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Italian Tractors Manufacturers Association
Press release


Year 2024


Italy's agricultural machinery market is still in the red

Registration data for the first nine months of the year show declines for all vehicle types. An increase in list prices along with a drop in agricultural incomes and the wait for new incentives are the causes behind the current downturn.

Technical Innovations: a “systemic” success

The Competition offers an opportunity to think about how to support research. Innovation should be considered a 'systemic' challenge involving industries, public bodies, professional organizations, education and training facilities. The agricultural machinery sector is one of the most active in the development of new technologies. Over 680 applications were received during the last five competition events, of these, 132 were awarded recognition for their 'Technical Innovation', and another 260 received 'Technical Honorable Mentions'.

Agricultural machinery: Bologna, the “laboratory” of innovation

The awards ceremony for the Technical Innovations competition for new models with high technological content took place this afternoon. A total of 68 awards were given out: 20 precisely for “Technical Innovation”, and 48 “Honorable Mentions”. The event is a preview of the 46th annual EIMA International event to be held in Bologna from 6 to 10 November. Innovation is the heartbeat of the Bologna event.

Plugfest 2024: a digital agriculture workshop in Bologna

The 2024 Plugfest event will be held in the capital of Emilia from 16 to 20 September. The event organized by the AEF association to optimize the compatibility between ISOBUS electronic systems and agricultural machinery components. The goal is to develop a common “language” that allows machines from different brands to communicate with each other. More than 350 engineers and operators are expected to come to Bologna for the event.

EIMA 2024: innovative solutions for agriculture and green care in the United Arab Emirates

The 46th annual EIMA International event was presented this morning in Dubai. Both the agricultural technology sector and the gardening machinery market are growing in the United Arab Emirates. This incremental trend is expected to continue through 2027. The Bologna exhibition offers operators in the Middle Eastern country technologies capable of satisfying every production need in the primary sector. The focus of the EIMA Green showcase and on gardening machinery.

The agricultural machinery on display at the G7 in Ortigia

FederUnacoma has been entrusted with the organization of three exhibition areas dedicated to agricultural mechanization in the center of the Sicilian island. These cutting-edge technologies reconcile productivity and environmental sustainability.

EIMA: technologies and services for the global market

The agricultural machinery exhibition announces a record-breaking 2024 event. The Bologna event aims to support operators in their business activities and to offer a global panorama of supply and demand for new technologies. The conferences planned will be international in scope. A lot of space has been allocated for research and training with the presence of 11 universities, and with the launch of the AFI Academy of Advanced Training for Industry promoted by FederUnacoma.

Agricultural machinery: sales down in the main markets

Uncertainty related to the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, the increase in purchase prices and the increase in interest rates are slowing down the market, which between January and July reported declines in Europe, the United States, India and Turkey. Registrations are also down in Italy.

EIMA 2024: International Agricultural and Gardening Machinery Exhibition

The 46th annual great agricultural and gardening machinery exhibit was presented at the Italian Trade Agency (ICE) headquarters in Rome. The global market is growing and demand is expected to increase in the years to come. More and more countries are investing in agricultural technologies and require special technical and commercial cooperation programs.

Agricultural machinery: the strategic partnership between Italy and the USA

In the first four months of the year, the US market increased by 7.6% imports of agricultural machinery made in Italy, thus becoming Italy’s main trading partner in the agromechanical sector. Italian machines appreciated for innovative content, customisation possibilities, reliability. The appointment with EIMA 2024 expected by US operators to familiarise themselves with the wide range of technological solutions able to meet every need of North American agriculture.

Agricultural Machinery Industry: New Synergies to Tackle Markets

The Vice President of Confindustria, Maurizio Marchesini, the Deputy Secretary-General of FAO, Maurizio Martina, the President of ICE, Matteo Zoppas, and the economic analyst, Gabriele Pinosa, discuss strategies to address the new geography of agricultural production and agri-mechanical commerce. The assembly concludes with a message from the Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, highlighting the incentive system and announcing the G7 Meeting of Agriculture as an opportunity to promote Italian agricultural and agri-mechanical products.

"Machines for peace", FederUnacoma at the G7 Agricultural Summit

The year 2023 ends with a decline in tractor sales, but with an increase in revenue due to higher manufacturing costs. India remains the leader in terms of the number of units, while the United States and Europe record declines in sales, with a more substantial decrease observed in China. Climatic variables, as well as geopolitical factors, are increasingly crucial in different regions of the world.

Tractors: Sales Decline by 19% in the First 5 Months of the Year

The domestic market for agricultural machinery continues to decline. From tractors (-19.2%) to combine harvesters (-40%) and telescopic handlers (-28.3%), all types of agricultural machinery have seen a significant decline in sales compared to the same period in 2023. The decline is attributed to the reduction of 4.0 incentives, delays in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), and the stagnation of agricultural incomes.

Agricultural Machinery: Italian Production Exceeds 16 Billion

Exports drive the national industry to its highest value ever. The quantities produced remain slightly below the average of recent years, but the increase in list prices boosts revenue. Europe consolidates itself as the main market for made-in-Italy technologies, followed by the United States.

Agricultural Mechanisation: A Complex Global Scenario

The President of FederUnacoma, Mariateresa Maschio, described to the assembly of manufacturers the market's potential as well as the array of economic and geopolitical variables that could hinder trade. A call for a more responsive and flexible support policy for the sector.

Agricultural Tractors: The "Map" of the Global Market

The year 2023 ends with a decline in tractor sales, but with an increase in revenue due to higher manufacturing costs. India remains the leader in terms of the number of units, while the United States and Europe record declines in sales, with a more substantial decrease observed in China. Climatic variables, as well as geopolitical factors, are increasingly crucial in different regions of the world.

EIMA 2024, a driving force for Italian-Serbian cooperation

The 46th edition of the Bologna exhibition was presented this morning in Novi Sad (Serbia) during a conference on agricultural robots. High automation technologies strategic to increase the productivity of an increasingly specialised agricultural economy like Serbia. High innovation at the heart of EIMA 2024, which inaugurates the REAL area dedicated to testing and practical demonstrations of robots.

EIMA 2024, innovative technologies for Morocco's agriculture

The press conference to present EIMA 2024 was held this afternoon in Meknés, in the setting of the Siam agricultural fair. Morocco's increasingly competitive agriculture is showing a growing demand for innovative technologies to counter the effects of climate change. The great Bologna exhibition is one of the most eagerly awaited events by farmers and technicians in the North African country.

Agricultural machinery, market down in the first three months of the year

The first quarter of the year marks a substantial decline in sales for all types of agricultural machinery. Tractors and combine harvesters fell by 25% and 56.7% respectively, tractors with loading platform by 18.4%. Negative sign also for trailers (- 6.1%) and telehandlers (- 37.2%). FederUnacoma: the contraction in demand due to economic and geopolitical factors, a multiannual public incentive plan is needed to complete the digitisation of our agriculture.

Agricultural machinery: appointment at EIMA International

Presented as part of Agriumbria the 46th edition of the exhibition of agricultural mechanics, scheduled for next November at the Bologna fair. Rich in technical content and with more than 1,600 already confirmed exhibiting industries, EIMA 2024 will be an important factor in relaunching the national market. In the first three months of the year sales of tractors fell by 25% nationally, while the market in Umbria showed a greater resilience, with a much smaller decline (-4.4%).

FederUnacoma: a strategic plan for agromechanics

The annual Think Tank of the Federation of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers was held in Serralunga d'Alba, in the heart of the Langhe area in Piedmont. Market data, scenario analyses and a focus on training needs were at the centre of the proceedings, during which the strategic role of EIMA International in relaunching the sector's market was highlighted. The AFI Higher Education Academy, a new FederUnacoma project to strengthen skills within companies, was presented.

Agricultural mechanisation in India, the strategic role of EIMA Agrimach

The robust growth of the agricultural machinery market has not yet filled the technological deficit of Indian agriculture. Forecasts indicate that the incremental trend, favoured by state subsidy programs, will continue in the coming years with investments in the latest generation of machinery. Agromechanical exhibitions are a knowledge hub.

Agricultural machinery. Made in Italy protagonist in Uganda

On March 21 and 22, a cognitive event dedicated to Italian agricultural mechanics was held in Kampala. Manufacturers presented specific technologies for the mechanisation needs of Uganda. During the event, which also saw the participation of the Italian Ambassador Mauro Massoni and the director of the ICE of Addis Ababa Riccardo Zucconi, the 46th edition of EIMA was presented.

Agricultural machinery. Made in Italy protagonist in Tanzania

On March 18 and 19, a cognitive event dedicated to Italian agricultural mechanics was held in Dar es Salaam. Specific technologies for the mechanisation needs of Tanzania were presented by the manufacturers. During the event, which also saw the participation of the Italian Ambassador Marco Lombardi, the Director of the ICE of Addis Ababa Riccardo Zucconi, the 46th edition of EIMA was also presented.

EIMA 2024, a platform for Italian-Ethiopian cooperation

The 46th edition of the great Bologna event was presented this morning during a press conference held in Addis Abeba by the director of the ICE office Riccardo Zucconi and the deputy director of FederUnacoma, Fabio Ricci. The conference recalled the role of Italy as Ethiopia’s second largest supplier in the agricultural machinery sector.

EIMA 2024: from 6 to 10 November the great event in Bologna

Presented this morning in Bari, as part of Enoliexpo, the 46th edition of the international exhibition of agricultural mechanics organised at the Bologna Fair by FederUnacoma. The 2024 edition promises to be with record numbers, and with a new section dedicated to demonstration tests of drones, agricultural robots and advanced digital systems. Economic operators are expected from all over the world, and great attention is paid in the Italian agricultural sectors to the new incentive system that will be defined in the coming months, and which could relaunch the market in regions with high demand for mechanisation such as Puglia.

Agricultural Machinery in India: the market will triple in the next ten years

The final day of EIMA Agrimach is underway in Bangalore. In the context of the review, the Italian foreign trade agency ICE presents a forecast study on the Indian market, destined to exceed 31 billion dollars in 2033.

Mechanisation in India, the strategic role of training

The Indian primary sector is undergoing a transition to high-tech cultivation techniques, which has increased the demand for innovative machinery. In order to make full use of its features, specific training courses are needed, also for family businesses and women farmers.

EIMA 2024, a bridge between Italy and India

The 46th edition of EIMA International, the world exhibition of agricultural machinery to be held in Bologna from 6 to 10 November, was presented in Bangalore. The event is an important reference for the rapidly expanding agriculture of India. The Asian country, the world's leading market for tractors, is focusing on latest generation mechanical vehicles.

Agricultural innovation: digital technologies for Indian companies

The most advanced digital systems, which are already widespread in European countries, have great opportunities for development even in the Subcontinent where the need to increase the productivity of farms by reducing costs and optimising production factors emerges. The most advanced solutions, on the basis of which to develop Italian-Indian cooperation, were illustrated by the President of Agridigital Carlo Linetti during a conference at EIMA Agrimach.

EIMA Agrimach: innovation and sustainability are the topics in focus

India's agricultural economy has experienced rapid growth over the past 50 years. The country has achieved food self-sufficiency, but the primary sector still suffers from income and environmental imbalances. Investments in innovative machinery help to improve productivity and to reduce resource consumption and chemical inputs.

EIMA Agrimach: the big challenges for Indian agriculture

A solemn opening ceremony opened the eighth edition of the International Exhibition of Agricultural Mechanics in Bangalore this morning. Representatives of economic sectors and organisational leaders intervened. On the agenda of the four-day event are the themes of sustainability, technological innovation and specialised skills.

Agricultural mechanisation: The eighth edition of EIMA Agrimach India

From February 29 to March 3, Bangalore is the showcase of agricultural mechanics. Over 130 exhibiting industries, 15 of them Italian, will present at the University of Agricultural Sciences the latest technologies for the agriculture of the subcontinent. The strategic role of ICE, the Italian Agency for foreing trade

Tractors, the economy and geopolitics are holding back the market: -12.9% in 2023

Sales of tractors dropped to 17,613 units. The medium-power ranges in particular are losing ground. Minus signs also for telescopic handlers (-3.4%) and trailers (-8.1%). On the other hand, combine harvesters (+10.2%) and tractors with loading platforms (+15.9%) bucked the trend. The downturn was due to economic and geopolitical factors. FederUnacoma: demand for tractors is worth more than 70 thousand units, but is largely satisfied by obsolete second-hand vehicles.

Made in Italy technologies for Qatari agriculture

Described at the Doha Expo the most advanced machines and equipment to cultivate even arid soils and to create highly automated farming models. The 2024 edition of EIMA International, the world exhibition of agricultural mechanics, to be held in Bologna from 6 to 10 November has been presented to journalists and businesspeople.

EIMA 2024: the mega-show of agricultural mechanics

The numbers and news of the event, which will be staged in Bologna from 6 to 10 November, were presented at a press conference. The number of companies that have already formalised the request for participation is very high and the exhibition space is largely already covered. Among the new features are the REAL area, dedicated to robots, and a contest reserved for social communication. Six international forums on the most current topics for agriculture and the environment.

Agricultural machinery: economic conditions hold back growth on the world market
