I soci che non sono in possesso delle credenziali possono richiederle a marketing.associativo@federunacoma.it
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Ente organizzatore:
Level 20, Dubai World Trade Center Tower
Dubai, 9428 UAE
T +971 4 4072777
F +971 4 4072485
@ brent.crosbie@informa.com
W http://www.agramiddleeast.com
Ente organizzatore:
Krasnopresnenskaya nab., 14, Moscow 123100 - Russia
T +7 499 7953799 / 7953946 / +8 800 7073799
F +7 495 6094168 / 6057205
@ centr@expocentr.ru
W http://www.agroprodmash-expo.ru/en/
Ente organizzatore:
Osenniy Boulevard, 23
121609 Moscow (Russia)
T +7 495 7813756
F +7 495 7813708
@ agrosalon@agrosalon.ru
W https://agrosalon.ru/en
Ente organizzatore:
Bursa International Fair and Congress Center
Fair Street No: 25 Altinova, Osmangazi,
Bursa / TURKEY
T +90 224 2115081 / 89
F +90 224 2112216 / 2112722
@ tuyapbursa@tuyap.com.tr, bursasatis@tuyap.com.tr
W http://burtarim.com/en/
Ente organizzatore:
Ghioceilor 1 street - MD-2008, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
T + 373 22 810462 / 419
F + 373 22 747420
@ info@moldexpo.md
W http://www.farmer.moldexpo.md/
Ente organizzatore:
Olma Messen St.Gallen
Splügenstrasse 12 - CH-9008 St. Gallen, Svizzera
T +41 71 2420133
F +41 71 2420103
@ olma@olma-messen.ch
W https://www.olma-messen.ch/de/messen/olma/fuer-besucher/uebersicht
Ente organizzatore:
Tirane-Durres, Highway 8th Km - Tirane, Albania 1032
T +355 67 7700077
@ emanuela.hykollari@expocity.al
W https://www.expocity.al
Ente organizzatore:
Daily Business Hours
290-G Harper Boulevard - Moultrie, GA 31788-2157, USA
T +1 229 9851968
F +1 229 8908518
@ info@sunbeltexpo.com
W https://sunbeltexpo.com/
Ente organizzatore:
REC Riyadh Exhibition Company Ltd.
6709 Al Ulaya-Al Muruj Dist,Unit No.19, Riyadh
12281–2576, Saudi Arabia
T +966 92 0024020
F +966 11 2295612
@ info@saudi-agriculture.com
W http://www.saudi-agriculture.com
Ente organizzatore:
LLP "IEC "ExpoGroup"
4 Kunaeva St., KAZMEDIA ORTALYGY building, office: A7.006, Z05H9E4 Astana, Kazkhstan
T +7 7172 768888
@ manager@expogroup.kz
W www.kazagroexpo.kz
Ente organizzatore:
CORFERIAS - Centro internacional de Negocios y Exposiciones de Bogotá
Carrera 37 No 24 - 67 - Bogotà, Colombia
T +57 1 3810000 Ext. 5164
F +57 1 4282622
@ vgamboa@corferias.com
W https://expoagrofuturo.com
Ente organizzatore:
Australian National Field Days
563 Borenore Rd. - Borenore NSW 2800, Australia
T +61 2 63621588
F +61 2 63625421
@ info@anfd.com.au
W http://www.anfd.com.au
Ente organizzatore:
CAMDA - China Agricultural Machinery Distribution Association, Exhibition Dept.
T +86 10 68511359
F +86 10 68526910
@ alexandresun@126.com
W http://en.camf.com.cn/
Ente organizzatore:
PO BOX 8698 - Ngor Extension Lot N°430 TF 557 - Dakar, Senegal
T +221 33 820 5214
@ senegal@ametrade.org
W https://siagro.sn/en/
Ente organizzatore:
Korea Agricultural Machinery Industry Cooperative
Dogok-ro 446, Songpa-gu
Seoul - Korea
T +82 41 41121314
F +82 41 5554491
@ k21407942@kamico.or.kr
W http://www.kiemsta.co.kr
Ente organizzatore:
Romexpo SA
Bd. Marasti nr. 65/67 - Box 32-3 - 011465 Bucharest, Romania
T +40 21 2077000
F +40 21 2077070
@ romexpo@romexpo.ro
W http://www.indagra.ro/en/